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Тактика отделения

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 4:17 pm
by shonky
Интересный метод использовала 9th PARA при зачистке леса.
An interesting method was then adopted for clearing the wood from end to end. The party advanced through the wood in two waves. Leading wave armed with stens, second wave armed with 36 grenades.

The second wave would throw a volley of grenades over the heads of the leading wave into the undergrowth beyond. Immediately the grenades exploded the leading wave rose and rushed forward ten yards firing from their stens. The process was repeated until the wood was cleared and resulted in killing 19 Germans and capturing one.

Re: Тактика отделения

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 7:54 pm
by Graf
вот шуму наделали, наверное. А в плен сдался седой двадцатилетний немец :D